Today, we’re going to talk about the top 10 marketing strategies for your food and beverage restaurant. These strategies will help you have lineups out the door and people eager to give you their money because they want to experience your restaurant and its offerings.
In this article we’re going to discuss these top 10 strategies that will be timeless for you. We’re not talking about something that worked in the past or in 2017, ’18, ’19, or whatever the case may be. We’re talking about strategies that will be timeless and usable for years to come.
So make sure you buckle up and start taking notes because we’re diving right in.
1. Review Sites
The number one marketing strategy is review sites like Yelp and Google. When deciding where to eat, there are three places people look: word of mouth, the restaurant’s social media platform, and restaurant review sites. According to a prestigious study, more than 35% of people deciding where to eat check review sites before making a decision.
If you don’t pay attention to how you present your content and engage with feedback and reviews, you’re missing out on many potential customers.
In today’s world, review sites play a crucial role in people’s decision-making processes. Think about the last time you chose where to eat. You probably searched for the restaurant on your mobile, and the first thing that popped up was a review site. If the reviews were no good, you likely clicked on a competitor’s restaurant.
This is the power of review sites. Like it or not, people rely on them when deciding whether to dine at your restaurant or a competitor’s.
If you have a bad review, make sure you reply to it. If you have a good review, reply to that as well. How do you reply to bad reviews?
If the bad review is warranted, acknowledge it and provide a solution. For example, if someone waited 45 minutes and had a bad experience, own up to it and explain the situation. People are much more forgiving if your response is authentic and you own up to your mistakes. On the other hand, if the bad review is from a troll, feel free to respond confidently, showing the character of your business.
To get more restaurant reviews, you could incentivize your customers. Offer an appetizer, a free drink, or a dessert in exchange for an honest review. This strategy is underrated but highly effective. When it comes down to it, would you choose a restaurant with a four-star rating and only two reviews, or one with a 3.5-star rating but 4,000 reviews? More reviews make your establishment seem more authentic.
2. Professional Photographs
The second marketing strategy is to have amazing, beautiful photographs. Many restaurants skip this step and just take pictures with their iPhones. This does not work in today’s age. Customers often decide where to eat based on how appealing your food looks on their phones.
Invest in professional shots of your menu, interior, and staff. This investment goes a long way and can be used on your website, review sites, social media, and marketing campaigns.
3. Website and SEO
The third marketing strategy is to have an up-to-date website and good SEO. Your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your restaurant.
Ensure it is easy to navigate, includes your menu, contact information, and directions, and is compatible with mobile devices. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your website appear in search results when people look for restaurants like yours. If you’re unsure how to do SEO, hire a professional to help you.
4. Social Media
The fourth marketing strategy is social media.
People use social media to decide where to eat. Post appealing pictures of your food and how people feel when consuming your offerings. For advanced users, post videos of food preparation or behind-the-scenes content. Use interactive features like polls and repost your customers’ posts to engage with them. This engagement helps build a connection with your customers and makes them more likely to choose your restaurant over competitors.
5. Word of Mouth
The fifth marketing strategy is word of mouth. This is the most important strategy. What others say about your restaurant carries more weight than what you say. Be intentional with every touchpoint of the customer journey, from how they hear about your brand to their experience at your restaurant.
Improving these touchpoints enhances the overall experience, leading to better word of mouth and more customers.
6. Hosting Events
The sixth marketing strategy is to host events at your restaurant during downtime. Collaborate with other businesses or talents to provide a service or event. This cross-promotion exposes your brand to new customers and fills your restaurant during slower times.
Use platforms like meetup.com, Facebook groups, or Instagram to find people who need a place to host events.
7. Public Relations (PR)
The seventh marketing strategy is PR. Having a prestigious outlet feature your restaurant gives you social credibility.
You don’t need to spend thousands on a PR agency. Instead, have a wow element that makes people talk about you, compile a press release, and reach out to publications. This free PR can generate a lot of buzz and compound the effect of your marketing efforts.
8. Vendor Collaborations
The eighth marketing strategy is to work with big vendors to cater your service.
Offer catering for events like weddings to diversify your revenue stream. This provides a steady income regardless of how many people dine in your restaurant.
9. Collaborations
The ninth marketing strategy is collaboration. Partner with other businesses to leverage their customer base.
This exposes your brand to new customers quickly. For example, collaborate with an artisan company to create a special product. This can significantly grow your customer base.
10. Running Ads
The tenth marketing strategy is running ads.
While this is not my favorite strategy, it can be effective if done correctly. Ensure your foundations are set before running ads. Ads can be cheap and highly targeted, allowing you to reach specific audiences. Learn how to run ads effectively to avoid wasting money.
These are the top 10 restaurant marketing strategies that are timeless.
The platforms may change, but the principles remain the same.